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Important Documents Elderly People Should Have In Place

Writer's picture: Gaynor LowndesGaynor Lowndes

It can often be a stressful time for you and your family when someone is transitioning into aged care. The transition can occur more smoothly if you are prepared in advance and have records, documents and information in place. HomeCare Australia are experts at providing services to the aged and disabled, and we do everything in our power to make the transition as seamless as possible. However, having documentation organised and planned for such a situation is one of the most important things you can do reduce stress for all of those involved. To help you, we have provided a guide on the important documentation that elderly people need to have in place as they age.

Medical documentation and history

Nowadays most medical information is stored electronically and is easily accessible. It would still pay to have accessible records of medical history and more importantly, contact information of next of kin, doctors and health professionals that you use frequently. Access to information helps HomeCare Australia provide a better service, faster, and we can easily connect and discuss any requirements with our customers, their families and relevant medical professionals, once a consent to release information document has been signed by the client.

Power of Attorney ​ Often overlooked, it is important that elderly residents have a power of attorney in place when they are in a position where they require aged care. A power of attorney is a legal document that grants a person power to act on the elderly resident’s behalf and administer their assets and financial affairs. In most situations the person nominated is the attorney .   ​The power of attorney document takes effect when signed and usually manages issues that the elderly client cannot conduct for himself or herself, for example if the person in question has poor vision, an inability to sign documents or for any reason, is incapacitated. Advance Care planning document

An advance care planning document is a great way for the elderly and their families to manage their affairs before they go into aged care. Effectively, it is all about making decisions before clients become too unwell to

make them independently. The advance care planning document will only take effect if such a circumstance arises. Advance care planning documents can take the stress away from decision-making, particularly if you are unwell and the important decisions fall to loved ones. A pre-planned document helps set out boundaries and options you would like taken into account in regards to your health if the circumstances should arise. It is a good idea to complete a document like this at the same time as your will. It is important to note what forms of treatment, palliative care and medical attention are and are not tolerable to you. It is also advisable to convey these wishes through a signed document and if necessary, hand decision-making over to a loved one who is aware of your treatment requests. This may also coincide with your power of attorney. It is also important to distribute this document to people who need to know this information when it is needed. People you should consider sharing it with are your immediate family, doctor, HomeCare Australia and other medical professionals involved in your care.


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